Saturday 16 April 2016

Open Letter To My Mom III



I don’t know how you’ll feel after reading this letter while I am typing a word and wandering if I should type it or not. You were right, I should always think of what will happen next, how I will go tomorrow, what’ll happen if any unexpected event visits me and so on, that I have never paid attention. Now, I know about all those you warned me earlier. Maybe that’s why people always say a stitch in time saves nine. I should cut my coat according to the cloth, but I didn’t. I am totally fucked up mom! And I don’t know when I will be that former jolly Sabbir once again.  I admit, I am solely responsible for the hardship I am going through these days. I am not lamenting for what’s happened to me. I am not even regretting. I am just having deep breath, wiping out my tears and trying to do something meaningful. I was never sincere to everything I am supposed to do. Yes, I did everything I had to but they were just merely to carry out responsibilities. I should be much more sincere when I realized what you expect me to do. Mom, I know you have witnessed much more sufferings than what I am experiencing these days. Mom, you know, I am not upset today even when I am experiencing such hardship. I believe every suffering ends with happiness. I have learnt so many things these days. People say it right, we Bengalis don’t realize the importance of blessing until it is gone! Mom, I didn’t write this letter to let you know how I am going these days. You know, I have made some promises to myself. I will tell you if you promise that you won’t laugh at my crazy thoughts and promises. Mom, I won’t marry until my monthly earning becomes at least four figures in $USD and become father until it gears up five figures. I know it is difficult but now impossible at all. It may seem laughing stock, I know. But I won’t ever give up mom! Life doesn’t count how many times you’ve undergone failures, but how many times you heads up and afford the maximum of your ability than ever before. Mom, I men’t be your Lokkhi-chhele that always pays heed to your each and every words but I’m sanguine of being the best father of my child if He permits. Pray for me to the almighty, Mom.

Love you like the way you miss me Maa!

An Open Letter To My Mom II Image

Friday 8 April 2016

Translation of Tagore's Ektuku Chhowa Laage ( একটুকু ছোঁওয়া লাগে )


With her slightest touch and few word’
I can sense the Spring within my heart.
An intoxication of Palash and Champa mingling,
Leaves me reeling dreams with the colors of spring.

Whenever she comes in my mind uncertain’
With dreams in the corner of my mind, she paint’
I feel restless whenever she’s far away,
With her left tone and tunes, I keep on reeling dreams all day!

Image of Translation of Tagore's Ektuku Chhowa Laage ( একটুকু ছোঁওয়া লাগে )

একটুকু ছোঁওয়া লাগে, একটুকু কথা শুনি—
তাই দিয়ে মনে মনে রচি মম ফাল্গুনী ।
          কিছু পলাশের নেশা,   কিছু বা চাঁপায় মেশা,
          তাই দিয়ে সুরে সুরে রঙে রসে জাল বুনি ॥

যেটুকু কাছেতে আসে ক্ষণিকের ফাঁকে ফাঁকে
চকিত মনের কোণে স্বপনের ছবি আঁকে ।
          যেটুকু যায় রে দূরে   ভাবনা কাঁপায় সুরে,
          তাই নিয়ে যায় বেলা নূপুরের তাল গুনি ॥

Saturday 2 April 2016

Translation of Shono Go Dokhin Hawa (শোন গো দখিনো হাওয়া)


I am in Love, O! Antarctic wind,
Being in love, I am out of my mind!

My long cherished desires were latent,
In contact with you, they float to great extent!
I’ve gone insane for my Love,
Out of craze, deep into the ocean I dove!

I am in Love, O! Antarctic wind,
Being in love, I am out of my mind!

I am the devotee of Love in the scorching  noon,
Overflowed in the Rain like Autumn’s full moon!
Affectionate in Late Autumn, in winter I spare,
Now in the spring, I’m unveiling my desire!

 I am in Love, O! Antarctic wind,
Being in love, I am out of my mind!

Image of Translation of Shono Go Dokhin Hawa (শোন গো দখিনো হাওয়া)

শোন গো দখিনো হাওয়া, প্রেম করেছি আমি
লেগেছে চোখেতে নেশা দিক ভুলেছি আমি

মনেতে লুকানো ছিল সুপ্ত যে পিয়াসা
জাগিল মধু লগনে বাড়ালো কি আশা
উতলা করেছে মোরে, আমারি ভালবাসা
অনুরাগে প্রেম সলিলে ডুব দিয়েছি আমি

শোনগো মধুর হাওয়া প্রেম করেছি আমি
লেগেছে চোখেতে নেশা দিক ভুলেছি আমি

দহনো বেলাতে আমি, প্রেমেরো তাপসী
বরষাতে প্রেম ধারা, শরতের শশী
রচিগো হেমন্তে মায়া, শীতেতে উদাসী
হয়েছি বসন্তে আমি বাসনা বিলাসী

শোনগো মদিরো হাওয়া প্রেম করেছি আমি
লেগেছে চোখেতে নেশা দিক ভুলেছি আমি