Sunday 19 June 2016

Gratitude: A son to his Father


I know, I'll be You someday,
My hair will soon turn gray,
My teeth'll be tippy I know,
What you're now, I'll be so!

I beg for those mistakes unknowingly I did,
Pardon me with blessing as always you did,
I can't forget those child memories with you,
Specially of that day you took me to the Zoo!

Who else coming home'd call up my name,
Who'd bring me else you those video game'
Who'd take me to school if you're not there,
Who else'd care for me like you did care?
Now I come to know what you mean to me,
No matter what it cost' you made me happy,
I regret for every time I shouted at you,
Pardon me with blessing, I didn't knew'
I didn't know what it takes to be like You,
To be a super cool dad with divine virtue,
To be a good friend through all the time,
To be like a colored Candy or an Ice-cream!!

I know, I'll be You someday,
My hair will soon turn gray,
My teeth'll be tippy I know,
What you're now, I'll be so!

Image: Fathers Day Poem by Sabbir Hassan

-Father’s Day, 19th June, 2016


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