Saturday 27 February 2016

Translation of Tagore's Noyon Tomare Payna Dekhite ( নয়ন তোমারে পায় না দেখিতে )


You are in the eyes, in every sight, still it can’t see,
You are in the heart, unconscious, still it can’t realize thee!
Out of madness, haunted by desires, my mind rushe’,
Though you’re within, constant in day and dream, where’er I gaze!!

You love, even those who are all alone, and abandoned by all,
You answer the prayers, provide with shelter to the homeless, when’er they call...
There’s none on wards but you to walk along the endless way,
None knows how you guide even in no way every night and day!!

All I know is- I exist only by your grace, replenishing life from your glow,
I want the more I receive, the more I know of you, the more mysterious you grow!
I know, I will have your company for eternity, here and hereafter, through all time,
There will be just the two of us, You & Me, with nothing to stand in between…

নয়ন তোমারে পায় না দেখিতে, রয়েছ নয়নে নয়নে।
হৃদয় তোমারে পায় না জানিতে, হৃদয়ে রয়েছ গোপনে ॥
বাসনার বশে মন অবিরত   ধায় দশ দিশে পাগলের মতো,
     স্থির-আঁখি তুমি মরমে সতত জাগিছ শয়নে স্বপনে ॥

সবাই ছেড়েছে, নাই যার কেহ,  তুমি আছ তার আছে তব স্নেহ--
     নিরাশ্রয় জন, পথ যার গেহ, সেও আছে তব ভবনে।
তুমি ছাড়া কেহ সাথি নাই আর,সমুখে অনন্ত জীবনবিস্তার--
     কালপারাবার করিতেছ পার কেহ নাহি জানে কেমনে ॥

জানি শুধু তুমি আছ তাই আছি,    তুমি প্রাণময় তাই আমি বাঁচি,
     যত পাই তোমায় আরো তত যাচি, যত জানি তত জানি নে।
জানি আমি তোমায় পাব নিরন্তর      লোকলোকান্তরে যুগযুগান্তর--
     তুমি আর আমি মাঝে কেহ নাই, কোনো বাধা নাই ভুবনে ॥

Monday 22 February 2016

Translation of Tagore's Majhe Majhe Tobo Dekha Pai ( মাঝে মাঝে তব দেখা পাই )


When I get the glimpse of you now and then,
Why not always, again ‘nd again?
Why there comes a transparent wall within,
To deprive me from sight of thine?

Whenever, for a while, I get thy sight,
In the blink of an eye, like a flash of light!
If I lose you again, I tremble in fear,
As you suddenly appear and disappear!!

Tell me the way, what should I do?
To have you always and never apart,
Where will I find that Love,
To hold you within my Heart!?

Upon my life, I vow, I won’t ever look at another for love!
If you say but the world, I’ll devote all I do have!!

মাঝে মাঝে তব দেখা পাই,
 চিরদিন কেন পাই না।
কেন মেঘ আসে হৃদয়-আকাশে, 
তোমারে দেখিতে দেয় না।

ক্ষণিক আলোকে আঁখির পলকে 
তোমায় যবে পাই দেখিতে
ওহে ‘হারাই হারাই’ সদা ভয় হয়, 
হারাইয়া ফেলি চকিতে।

কী করিলে বলো পাইব তোমারে, 
রাখিব আঁখিতে আঁখিতে–
ওহে এত প্রেম আমি কোথা পাব, নাথ, 
তোমারে হৃদয়ে রাখিতে।

আর-কারো পানে চাহিব না আর,
 করিব হে আমি প্রাণপণ–
ওহে তুমি যদি বলো 
এখনি করিব বিষয় -বাসনা বিসর্জন।

Friday 19 February 2016

An Open Letter To My Mom II


An Open Letter To My Mom II

Neither have I had the desire of being first among hundreds nor the fear of coming last now! I know you’ll argue with my point but what was it that I had been being first for the last 12 years? Yeah, you used to feel proud of your son, your neighbors used to appreciate, and thus I just multiplied your expectation, nothing else! Mom, there are so many things around us that is beyond your expectation, there are so many things that you expect me to fulfill are beyond my reach. I, single handed can’t fulfill all your expectations! I guess, its better you let me make my own way, at least you won’t have to live with a broken heart that your son will never be able to mend. Mom, don’t expect me to offer you a $100 note to tissue you after using toilet. I won’t ever be able to be that perfect! Don’t even regret for that. Mom, I won’t ever be able to offer you air tickets every time you travel place to place, but surely send you for pilgrimage instead of going to honeymoon. I know, I won’t be able to serve you “Polao/Biryani” in every meal of a day but my beloved will surely provide you with what she had cooked for herself and what I become able to manage for the day. Mom, you know, I am proud of your generosity and I hope you won’t have to speak aloud before my beloved and she won’t ever make you do so. You’ll be glad to know that she promised to call you Mom with the same affection I do, and she is used to calling her mom. Mom, I know, we won’t have much money to spend carefree but I won’t ever leave any stone unturned to ensure the best care I can afford you. I confess, I won’t be able to have that power and property that the people around us will fear us but they will truly love us from the bottom of their heart and render the best assistance they can provide us in our distress. Mom, I didn’t know that in academic life I will be bound to deal with the world's most sensible and the biggest "Gandu" types. I didn’t know that I won’t have any way except following that ancient trait fearing mighty professors. I know, you’ll laugh that I can’t but fear these high-educated professors more than I love respectable “Momota” miss, I met for the first time when I was 5. Mom, things have really changed, the leaves you once saw green, have turned grey now. Limit your expectation Mom, Neither have I had the desire of being first among hundreds nor the fear of coming last now! But I firmly believe that He will surely place me where I deserve to be with how much effort I did offer... You know, I can’t follow the way of cramming whole night before the exam and vomiting on the papers later on. You know, I prefer making my own way even if it isn’t that smooth and I believe that you won’t ever detach me from my way. Let my Second Year Final Result rest in peace.

Miss you Maa!

An Open Letter To My Mom II Image

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Translation of Lalon Fakir's Milon Hobe Koto Dine ( মিলন হবে কত দিনে )


How long will I be waiting to be united with my own!?
Gazing upon her beauty, I’ve become pale moon!!
I just want to be her devotee if the fate permit’,
I want to adore her if she lets me greet!

As the cloud, to be itself, hide!
Hide yourself within me, to be unite’!!
Gazing upon your beauty, I’ve become pale moon!
How long will I be waiting to be united with my own!?

Whenever I remember her face,
My love perishes the fears of disgrace!
Only I can feel the blizzar’,
As Lalon Fakir once consider’!!

Translation of Lalon Fakir's Milon Hobe Koto Dine By Sabbir Hassan

মিলন হবে কত দিনে
আমার মনের মানুষের সনে।।

চাতক প্রায় অহর্নিশি
চেয়ে আছি কালো শশী
হব বলে চরণ দাসী,
ও তা হয় না কপাল গুণে।।

মেঘের বিদ্যুৎ মেঘে যেমন
লুকালে না পায় অন্বেষণ,
কালারে হারায়ে তেমন
ঐ রূপ হেরি এ দর্পণে।।

যখন ও-রূপ স্মরণ হয়,
থাকে না লোকলজ্জার ভয়
লালন ফকির ভেবে বলে সদাই
ও প্রেম যে করে সেই জানে।।

Tuesday 16 February 2016

An Open Letter To My Mom


An Open Letter To My Mom

I know, you won’t scold me today for what I have done and what you’ve expected me to do! I know, you’ll be crying silent but won’t let me know that you’re feeling so heavy, you’ve gotten a whole in your heart just because of me! I know what I mean to you, what my success brings in you, what it costs when I am undone! I admit, you’ve always spent the most of your hard earned money on me and let me go on my way but I’ve never paid much heed to your words! I admit, you’ve provided me with all that only the greatest mothers of this universe can do! You know, I am in love with someone. Yeah! I love her madly like I love you. You’ll be pleased to know that she takes the best care one’s beloved can afford! She wakes me up every morning like you’re used to, wants to know what I’ve taken in breakfast, asks how many classes I do have today, when I’ll be free, texts if I have eaten lunch in time when you’re not here. You know, I believe she is all what I have always wanted and what I deserve, I guess. She always tries to offer the best of her still I used to miss you in special moments. Yeah, she wakes me up every morning I had exam, she always waits on the street stopping a rickshaw every time I went for an interview, she always encouraged in my difficulties, always smiled even if I was not selected, always inspired for the next! But I was used to you to waking me up whenever I had exams, I was used to your hastiness to finding a rickshaw and take me to school, I was used to see your smiling face in my success, I was used to imagine your anxious face while I’m on an interview, I was used to your inspiration for next level, Mom!  You know, I felt a strange feeling when you had to leave me alone this time. Yeah, my friends were there by my side, my beloved did provide her best care and aid but I couldn’t help missing you after waking up by alarms or her call every morning I had exams! You know, I searched for “How babes are born” on Youtube today, I felt what it takes to give birth a baby!! Don’t shed a single drop of tear for me today and onwards when you’ll hear I couldn’t fulfill your expectation. I don’t know the way of saying sorry to Mom. I believe, you get me more than I do myself. Please don’t shed a single drop of tear for me, even if your heart feels so heavy! I hope, you’ll put your hand on my shoulder and say-
 “The hands that can roll the rocks today, will be ruling the world tomorrow” like you always said…

Miss you Maa!