Tuesday 16 February 2016

An Open Letter To My Mom


An Open Letter To My Mom

I know, you won’t scold me today for what I have done and what you’ve expected me to do! I know, you’ll be crying silent but won’t let me know that you’re feeling so heavy, you’ve gotten a whole in your heart just because of me! I know what I mean to you, what my success brings in you, what it costs when I am undone! I admit, you’ve always spent the most of your hard earned money on me and let me go on my way but I’ve never paid much heed to your words! I admit, you’ve provided me with all that only the greatest mothers of this universe can do! You know, I am in love with someone. Yeah! I love her madly like I love you. You’ll be pleased to know that she takes the best care one’s beloved can afford! She wakes me up every morning like you’re used to, wants to know what I’ve taken in breakfast, asks how many classes I do have today, when I’ll be free, texts if I have eaten lunch in time when you’re not here. You know, I believe she is all what I have always wanted and what I deserve, I guess. She always tries to offer the best of her still I used to miss you in special moments. Yeah, she wakes me up every morning I had exam, she always waits on the street stopping a rickshaw every time I went for an interview, she always encouraged in my difficulties, always smiled even if I was not selected, always inspired for the next! But I was used to you to waking me up whenever I had exams, I was used to your hastiness to finding a rickshaw and take me to school, I was used to see your smiling face in my success, I was used to imagine your anxious face while I’m on an interview, I was used to your inspiration for next level, Mom!  You know, I felt a strange feeling when you had to leave me alone this time. Yeah, my friends were there by my side, my beloved did provide her best care and aid but I couldn’t help missing you after waking up by alarms or her call every morning I had exams! You know, I searched for “How babes are born” on Youtube today, I felt what it takes to give birth a baby!! Don’t shed a single drop of tear for me today and onwards when you’ll hear I couldn’t fulfill your expectation. I don’t know the way of saying sorry to Mom. I believe, you get me more than I do myself. Please don’t shed a single drop of tear for me, even if your heart feels so heavy! I hope, you’ll put your hand on my shoulder and say-
 “The hands that can roll the rocks today, will be ruling the world tomorrow” like you always said…

Miss you Maa! 

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